

Margaret River Main Street
Funded by:
Shire of Augusta Margaret River / Business

Wooditjup is the traditional placename of Margaret River in Wadandi-Noongar culture and tells the story of the magic man Wooditch, the ancestor who created the river, Bilya. The Wooditjup Bilya is such a lifeforce and integral to the biodiversity of this area, for every raindrop is lifeblood to this land.

This collaborative mural celebrates the vibrant nature, culture, and community that draws us to the heart of Margaret River town.

Ian Mutchโ€™s joyous characters are painted to represent everyone, celebrating diversity and unified respect for Wooditjup.

Stu McMillanโ€™s addition draws on the native forest, bush and meandering river as it winds through paddocks, scrub, eucalypts and ancient granite gullies to the sea.

Jake Quodling riffed on Ianโ€™s colour palette to write the place name, aiming for a simple illustration that would resonate with locals.

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