Cascading Shelter Shadows of the Forest

Cascading Shelter Shadows of the Forest

Shire of Augusta Margaret River Civic Administration Centre, Wallcliffe Road
Funded by:
Shire of Augusta Margaret River

This architectural and artfully designed shelter reflects the shapes found in nature and provides a shelter that can be used in all seasons.

The roof of the shelter contains several concave structural shapes that serve two purposes. 

Visually, these shapes aim to echo various birdsโ€™ wings, leaves and shapes found in the forest. It articulates our environment and echoes the roofline of neighbouring buildings. The roofline is also designed to capture rainwater and feed it into the adjacent rain garden.

From inside the shelter looking upwards, you can see leaf patterns that again reiterate the natural forest habitat.

The roof is constructed from aluminium, with the legs made from steel.

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