Sunrise Sunset

Sunrise Sunset

Riflebutts Reserve, Prevelly
Funded by:
Royalties for Regions Super Town Funding

From a distance youโ€™ll see a vibrant texture wrapping the wall. Flowing horizontal shapes, bright and organic, span the width of the structure.

The design mirrors the rolling hill lines of the region’s landscape. As you get closer, the artworkโ€™s texture reveals itself as a collection of smaller painted illustrations which closely represent the heritage of Riflebutts Reserve.

Illustrations and shapes of the surroundings include waves, birds, kangaroos, weather, whales, fish, turtles, snakes, river, smoke, native vegetation, leaves and trees. These represent themes of the traditional owners and are natural icons that still exist in the Reserve today.

Hold up your phone to activate an Augmented Reality experience that will see the figures come alive in motion.

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