Brenton See is a Perth artist specialising in large scale murals of Western Australia’s flora and fauna. A keen photographer and birdwatcher too, he spends much of his free gathering reference photos for upcoming murals. The excitement of sharing the birdlife, animals and plants keeps Brenton motivated in his journey to educate the world on just how lucky we are to share our planet with such wonders.
David Attenborough’s documentaries influence his work and Brenton enjoys using animals and objects rather than the human form to express himself and the stories he wants to tell. He is constantly focusing on the topic of “predator and prey” and “life and death” as these (as well as in the animal kingdom) are very relevant to the lives humans live.
Brenton went on to study graphic design after graduating secondary school, but decided working with computers wasn’t the direction he wanted to pursue. Brenton looked for employment where he could use his hands to create the artwork he had in his head and in 2007 he began a tattooing apprenticeship. Developing a drawing style, Brenton fell more in love with working with pen and ink, acrylics and watercolours and soon people began requesting his work. Brenton left the tattoo apprenticeship after 8 months and decided that painting for a living was the path he wanted to take.
Creating commissioned artworks and exhibitions became life for Brenton up until his change in career path in 2015 when he painted his first mural. Since his first mural, Brenton has been fortunate enough to maintain a full time practice in large scale works.
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